Paul C's Blog

To be funny,to grow up!



1.Yeah,I’m good to go. 我准备好了

2.Really?You don’t know what that means to me.我很感动

3.Knock Knock!How are we today?有人在吗,今天过得怎么样?

4.They’ll wind up calling her Geller,then he gets his way.他们最后就会只叫他盖勒,他就得逞了

5.We are kind of thing now.我们在交往

6.Things change,roll with the punches.世事难料,见招拆招(逆来顺受)

7.House cats, for one, are twilight hunters with vertically elongated pupils. 举个例子,黄昏的猎手家猫,有着竖直拉长的瞳孔。

8.cushions the blow.把打击变得和缓(降维打击??)

9.Look out,kids!Cars are coming.

10.That makes sense.那也对

11.I don’t have a lead.我还没有进展

12.This is my week notice. 我正式辞职

13.暴躁语录:Well ,you know what,Never mind!知道吗,算了!

14.I don’t mean to be so emotional.

15.That’s crap.(不要随便用) 胡扯

16.Good going.做的好

17.That’s not how that was supposed to come out.本想安慰你,话说出来却变了味道。

18.If there’s two people like us trust each other,then there is no reason for jealous.