apt install libfuzzy-dev wget http://sourceforge.net/projects/ssdeep/files/ssdeep-2.13/ssdeep-2.13.tar.gz/download -O ssdeep-2.13.tar.gz tar -zxf ssdeep-2.13.tar.gz cd ssdeep-2.13 ./configure make sudo make install ssdeep -V #检查版本 pip show pydeep #再安装一次看看会不会提示已安装
Potentially vulnerable virtualbox version installed. Failed to retrieve its version. Update if version is: 5.2.27 find / -name 'cuckoo.conf'|grep cuckoo vim /root/.cuckoo/conf/cuckoo.conf 将vulnerable 置为 yes
2023-04-12 13:52:37,757 [cuckoo] CRITICAL: CuckooCriticalError: Unable to bind ResultServer on [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address. This usually happens when you start Cuckoo without bringing up the virtual interface associated with the ResultServer IP address. Please refer to https://cuckoo.sh/docs/faq/#troubles-problem for more information.